Original Post
[Solved] Support?
The whinebox is a joke, and whoever that Korvin child is who banned me last year, is even more of a joke. I got banned for tc farming, and I only used to play private, barely any public servers. One day me and my brother just got disconnected in a server we created and couldn't connect again. Thanks a lot.

There are way too many alts in this game, none of them play for fun, it's a game, you're supposed to have fun. But no, none of that with rank-farming alts.

The game is full of glitches, ghost's lying when another player isn't even close to you, teleporting for practically no reason and dismemberment which is a joke due to limbs passing through each other. Game crashes a lot, especially when in windowed mode.

And what is up with the joints making sounds when you change them? There's also no option to turn it off, but there is a option to turn off the breaking limb sounds, what the?

I don't use sounds because of the crappy noises it makes, who's childish idea was that? I don't want to make polyphonic sounding music when clicking joints.

Just wanted to say this before I quit .

All this happens because you suck at the game.

You think you are pro, so when you lose you rage and start insulting people.

As I know there is no way to farm rank.

because you will get caught and 2 your rank is always changing.

Play for fun? You get angry when you lose. You only find this game fun when YOU win not when anybody else does.

If you can't take a loss then i suggest you stop playing games all together.

This a support thread where you ask questions. Not complain about bullshit like this.

The sounds are not childish your childish for complaining about useless shit that isnt going to get changed.

Also you don't just dm for no reason.

The person hit you to where you were about to dm and the extra force you put on it to move it dm'd it.

No but seriously, stop bitching. The game has it's faults but people enjoy it anyway. No-one said it was perfect.
Last edited by marcus; Dec 27, 2011 at 08:12 PM.
Hey S02, you suck. And no one cares what you think.

Thread quality is crap and it is in the wrong place. Closed.