Um...the picture is very distorted from all the filters you added to it :O

Not enough contrast, blurry and pixelated (how the...), doesn't really flow. I think there is a tutorial on that. I can barely see where it says "Jokerstein".

Its alright, but it could be a lot better.
Filters? All the filters that I use are only wave and gaussian blur.
All the others are just brush, smudge, colorize, c/p the object, and text tools.
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Joker, this is so epic signature image, but I think it should have another colors and more viewable text. I think it is good. =D
no C4d no focal, No lightning source.
the background is kinda monotone and so boring, try to add more color.
don't afraid to using blur and sharp tool to make depth.
don't use filter to make background.
KIU (keep it up)
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
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