Wasnt To Bad.
Nice Camera Work In Some Places.
Replays Were Ok.
Ending Was A Smart Idea In Terms Of Player Id.

It was nice but didnt have enough of everyone, I think clan videos should have a solo of each person not all mixed, Try that some time ^^

Originally Posted by froboy102 View Post
It was nice but didnt have enough of everyone, I think clan videos should have a solo of each person not all mixed, Try that some time ^^


I have to disagree here, it will look ugly if you present one player after another, mixing them adds that something to it, also what if a guy had more replays than the other?It's their problem for not adding up the same number of replays, machker just tried to make them equal that's why it resulted less people.

About the video:

What can I say about the intro?As an everyday intro it was suprisingly good because it was short, not like most people like to make their intro thirty seconds, and one more reason is that it can match with any type of editing and music.

The replay showoff began in a smooth way, which I like because it gives you time to understand what's going on and not throw you right in the action.One more thing I noticed is that you tried to keep the replay number equal to all the players as they might get offended because one guy has more and they don't.Well there really wasn't much content considering it is a clan video....

Music, Sync
I am not the one to criticize music and I find it unnecessary but the music was NOT MADE for Toribash videos AT ALL.Really.It's visible that you tried your best to sync it but no, just no.

Once again, it was short and good.The way the little arrow triggered the players to show was interesting.

Average clan video.
I play games and lift weights.
music and the video didn't actually sync
good replays
intro well ... not so bad not so good
ending was nice idea but you should have cgone them on the list not randomly
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