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is it ok to have transparent hands and feet? or is it all textures that cant be transparent?
Norėčiau lyties attila. Gresiantis sunaikinimas iš mūsų
You can have all the parts transparents if you wish.

Or have the parts that you want transparent.
[Ethereal] | Toribash Gambling Org
ʏ ᴜ ɴᴏ ᴊoiɴ?
Hmm.. Transparenting can use Gimp..
Open File - Layer - Transparency - add alpha Channel - Fuzzy Select - (Sellect Random) - and "Delete" can be transparent i think..
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Well as far as I can tell, there is no rule agaist having blank textures for your hands and feet. Be warned thought that controlling your Tori may be a little harder becuase you cannot see them either.
The depressing moment when you realize Satan and 'The Devil' are apt personal descriptions...
i was tried to use gimp to made a transparant pic and i did it and its saved as .tga and when i try to upload it to my texture its said "the texture sucsessfully uploaded" but the pic isnt changed to transparant
Change the format to png and try again.

If that doesn't work try renaming your png file.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
There should be a drop down menu for you to choose from before you save.
The depressing moment when you realize Satan and 'The Devil' are apt personal descriptions...