ugh i learned abut this earlier this year but I forgot what it was

the E looking thingy is supposed to show change over time or some shit like that fuck I completely forgot

wow my math teacher would be completely disappointed in me right now
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
This is probably way off.

it's the function of H.
it's the negative change of something.

/me isn't smart.


Ask lxor
It's actually sigma (I understand epsilon looks very similar). And it means the sum of. I don't know the rest really other than you can change pi*log(pi) to log(pi)^pi if it would help at all.
Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
It's actually sigma (I understand epsilon looks very similar). And it means the sum of. I don't know the rest really other than you can change pi*log(pi) to log(pi)^pi if it would help at all.

ow, yeah, sigma. E-similiar-look got me wrong. its 5 AM here, coffee time.