Original Post
Best DuBSTeP Remixs
If you don't know what dubsteps are, they are techno beat remixs of regular songs sung, some are WAY better then the original version, and some just straight suck LOL.

here are my favorite:
-download in the attachements-made by deathstar

-killagraham made this one

Originally Posted by OpticX View Post
If you don't know what dubsteps are, they are techno beat remixs of regular songs sung, some are WAY better then the original version, and some just straight suck LOL.

Um. No.

Originally Posted by some guy not mentioned on the wiki
tightly coiled productions with overwhelming bass lines and reverberant drum patterns, clipped samples, and occasional vocals

Techno beat remixes. What the fuck. It doesn't even need to be a remix of a song. Many dubstep songs don't have vocals. And that last part is an opinion, which you should avoid if you're writing to an audience with the intent of journalism. To be informative. Stay unbiased.
Originally Posted by OpticX View Post
If you don't know what dubsteps are, they are techno beat remixs of regular songs sung, some are WAY better then the original version, and some just straight suck LOL.

Eh, no.
Snipin' is a good job, mate!