Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Tera Online - Popori so Cute!

High level group footage of a boss.

2-man an ELITE monster, not a boss.

First look and play by TotalHalibut.

The game features..
7 races
8 classes
80+ zones
1,700 + quests
Large scale PvP
1v1 PvP, along with arenas 
Open and persistent world
Tons of instances/Dungeons/Raids
60 level cap at start
To play the game you need to..
Purchase the original game for $49.99, comes with a month.

Purchase a recurring plan of $15.00 a month to play further.

Sign up for the beta on the website and have a chance to play through your email.

Beta schedule, as well as release date and "Head-Start" play is...
Every Friday - Sunday starting February 10th until May 1st.

Monday, May 1st, is the actual release but you can start early on Friday, April 28th, if you pre-ordered the game.

If you pre-order you get the entire weekend BEFORE the release on May 1st to get a "Head-Start".
It's, as of now, a 50$ cost to actually BUY the game, but it's 15$ a month on top of that. The exact same as World of Warcraft, actually. When you buy the original game you get a free 30 days(month) of play time.
Pre-ordered the Digital Collector's Addition after playing the beta last weekend.. I managed to try out the Warrior, Slayer, Berserker and Sorcerer. Out of all of them I played and enjoyed Warrior the most and got him to level 15 in a day before the beta ended that night. Got to the first "instance" and fought the boss. The game can be REALLY challenging if you don't time your dodges/blocks good, which I couldn't do that well against the huge boss they pit you against at level 12.

Going to be REALLY looking forward to the beta's I get guaranteed into from pre-ordering in the upcoming months along with the actual release of the game.

For anyone wanting to get into future betas, I believe IGN has a promo each time a new beta comes out that you get in if you're on IGN Prime. (Which, you can get a 7 day free trial for so it's pretty much a free code into the beta)
Screw it, bumping this. Game went f2p about... 10 days ago. It's fantastic. If you like MMOs that aren't "I CLICKED A GUY AND MASHED SOME BUTTONS AND THEY DIED" (WoW and the like) and you're looking for something that rewards skills, this is the game for you. Anyone who has played Monster Hunter will feel a bit at home here and have a bit of an advantage. Seriously though, play this. I can elaborate on stuff a bit more if there's interest.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Started playing with a group of friends again about a week ago. I'm the only one who really stuck with it. Will update the OP when I get around to it. Highest person is a level 29 Berserker on Lake of Tears.
I played this game on release but got bored of it due to the repetitiveness of the questlines and no one to play with.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by Hamr View Post
Anyone who has played Monster Hunter will feel a bit at home here and have a bit of an advantage. Seriously though, play this. I can elaborate on stuff a bit more if there's interest.

Really? Just how much like Monster Hunter is it? I've been really interested in playing a Monster Hunter-esque mmo for quite some time, seeing as playing MHFO is too damn difficult for gaijins.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
Really? Just how much like Monster Hunter is it? I've been really interested in playing a Monster Hunter-esque mmo for quite some time, seeing as playing MHFO is too damn difficult for gaijins.

The combat is one of the closest things you will find, and once you breach level 20 (60 is max) you will constantly have quests or you can do so on your own time, to hunt down very large monsters that take minutes++ to kill.
downloading this now, mainly because it reminded me of Monster Hunter, also cause it looks decently awesome.