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Math help
Hello there, im a person that does not study much, here where i live (Sweden) we have 1-9th grade that is a must to attend to and after that its gymnasium and so forth.

And well, i didnt study 7-9th grade and i am asking you what i should practice on math, i mean, i know the basics and shit but not the shit they talk about right now. So just give me some advice please
The soul should fly from me, and i will turn into an brutish beast -Marlowe, Dr. Faustus
Practice the hell out of fractions, bedmas, algebra and Integers.

because where I live, once you get to grade 9 they fuse it all together and you'd get equations that have negative fractions, negative decimals, 3 variable algebra, and a lot more.
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Firstly I would recommend reading the curriculum to find out exactly what sort of work you should be focusing on. Then once you know that, there are loads of resources at your disposal. You could ask your teacher. You could also ask another student because it's true that often your friends and peers can explain things better than the teacher.
You could also get a textbook from a library (if you don't already have one) or look up internet resources, tutorials and examples.