chyeeah. thats pretteh good. I think the half-time part in the beginning is a bit messy but yeah.. me likey. :>
Snaykie#0020 GG
It could just be my headphones, but it lacked bass completely (Most likely my headphones, however). The amen break was used pretty well, but the noise/distortion made it sorta cluttered and such. It would've sounded better with a bit more of a drop, and maybe if you layered some thick, punchy drum kick and snares with it after the drop. The bass line itself was well composed and delivered, but lacked variety. The song was pretty good, and you're doing pretty well! :3 8/10
it's your headphones, i packed as much bass as possible into it.
also thanks : D
also, this
Last edited by SlyBash; Feb 15, 2012 at 08:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i think it sounds really good i don't really like drum and bass but this song sounds like a song to an epic chase
Words mean nothing, actions show the true meaning
That's pretty damn awesome.

I could hear the bass just fine, good job on that, sly.

Also, I can't find the fanclub ;_;
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth