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Blacklight Retribution F2P Beta

I found this awesome game Blacklight Retribution, absolutely worthy to check out.

The game is made by Perfectworld and is a sci-fi like shooter where you have the ability to look trough walls for a short duration (with cooldown), and have a hardsuit which allows you to have a minigun and tons of armor.

There are also kiosks that are shattered around the map where you can buy op weapons get ammo etcetc.
You can level up in the game which unlocks new armor weapons and possibilities, you can buy weapons in a marketplace a long with armor and attachments that boosts your weapon.
There will also be a place where you can customize your weapon and stuff like that but that haven't quite arrived yet. The game still have some bugs and is kind of early in the developing stages, but I still found it quite fun.

The game is made by perfectworld and so far I find this really awesome. I have only played it for a day tho.

also be aware of op flamethrowers.
Last edited by Ezeth; Mar 7, 2012 at 01:13 AM.
looks like another average future soldier shooter
played it briefly and got bored
its cod mw3, but not as good
cant say il be getting the full release when it comes out
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Well, I found it much more interesting after a while when I got up in the ranks and had more weapons to build and choose from. Having about 3:1 KD helps a bit too

If anyone is trying this give a try at using revolver, because one hit in the head is pretty much instant death