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[Art]Anime character "Edward"

Okay so yesterday I was thinking "Hell, Soon I wanna make an anime or manga"
but then I knew before I could think of that, It would be necessary to perfect each character 1 at a time. So this is Edward or Ed. The scythe on his back his a shape shifting weapon as well as the sword on his back(still needs to be drawn ) these weapons allow him to control both good and evil powers/energies.

Cnc please. I will edit the final product in gimp maybe

P.s. Excuse the big ass head :P it was a mistake and would harm the picture to much to attempt fixing now.
Yeah manga drawing is definately not your calling.

no sense of style or proportions
anatomy is non-existant, plays a big role in all character drawings, no matter how stylised.
the scythe wouldnt... work... could take him on with a fork.

worry about getting the basics down befor worrying about "how to get the diamond right" and other useless stuff.
you need to start from the begining if you want to improve
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
It's just a rough draft of what its gonna look like

a boy in a hoodie with a scythe and sword on his back wearing jeans and sneakers
How old are you? This drawing looks like the work of an 8 year old as is. I could help you out if you'd like.

Look for Mark Crilley, he's a big mangaka.
Giovanni Civardi's a great artist, too.

Also, Ed is a terrible name for the main character, you'd seem as if you're copying directly from FMA.
Thank you for the criticism guys. Also, I asked Mark Crilley for tips a while ago and he told me if I struggle with drawing anime to use guide lines, make rough drafts, and to practice. As it seems no one read the post "It's just a rough draft of what its gonna look like a boy in a hoodie with a scythe and sword on his back wearing jeans and sneakers". Thanks for your CnC though. Also, Why criticize the name I decided o_O. If I can, when I make the final product I will decide on a new name.
First off. I honestly don't get manga so if any of the things i say are retarded thats the reason.
Or im just mental.
Anyways, his left arm is supposed to go into his hoodie pocket right? Looks like its going behind him.
The hood's proportions look wrong because his left side of it is like... wtf?
His scythe is going through him? Or is that his strap? I HAVE NO CLUE.
His left shoe is like a stub.
Just, you know what. Stick to sets.
This is pretty bad ._.

(Brony power, YEAH!)
"God praise your soul. <3"
~~[Pain] is inevitable, whether you choose to suffer or preserve sooner or later, [Pain] will find you.~~