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What was the first flame forged?
I wanna know what was the first flame forged (ID 1)
Who forged it? Who owns it right now?

Just a curiosity
go in-game, then ulit, then flame browser

type in (1) in one of the boxes, that will show you the very first flame ever made

As far as owns and made it, I can't tell you that.
Well the second flame looks like hampa's flame so maybe 1 is one of him too
But im not sure about that
althoug its of an oldschooler
It was probibly hampa who has the first flame because he prob needed to test if the forge worked and he probibly still has it
Delaid is the best mod ever :D
the actual owner is not hampa, i checked his activated and deactivated inventory and theres no flame
[21:19] <@Arctic> n sei pq o ed foi tirar o pinto mano
como pinto no almoço