Original Post
Corrupted lies by: daxter99
Hello guys.
What do you think about my replay also give me some tips cause i still need practice
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corrupted lies..rpl (130.2 KB, 29 views)
Well try different kicks and punches
And try using more relax
Dont try to grab too much that will make it look ugly
try to just hold like a second and then letgo
Originally Posted by hamza135 View Post
Well try different kicks and punches
And try using more relax
Dont try to grab too much that will make it look ugly
try to just hold like a second and then letgo

Wut? That CnC won't help him a bit.

Firstly the opener wasnt good (in fact it was really bad)
The DM's looked careless. Try to edit and edit and edit. Also if you want a more precise move, don't just hit space, hit space+shift, it only turns 1 frame.
In my opinion it is a good replay for a starter.
Try to grab less,
Originally Posted by hamza135
Dont try to grab too much that will make it look ugly

It doesn't make it look ugly, it just makes the replay more unstylish and more, you know...messy.

Work it up, nice start to the world of replaymaking.
Yeah about the opener i didn't want it too much on dismemberment cause i loose the control, like in this one
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supersonic.rpl (71.7 KB, 9 views)
Your problem really isn't stiffness. I mean yeah, stiffness isn't really considered a good thing, but I see outstanding replay makers who are really stiff.

Your replay making problem is that you're not getting your hits in a sequence or aiming for them correctly. You're just flailing around, hitting him wherever you can. Focus more on how quick you want the replay to be, where you want to hit him, and how to get the second most important thing about a replay...

Boomhits. PM if you want to know exactly what a boomhit is, but every good replay includes a boomhit of some sort.
Also know that good replays don't really matter on how many DM's are in it. It matters how you sequence every move together. Every boomhit, every decap, every twist, every turn, and so on and so forth.

Examples will be provided if asked. Good luck.
the goblin