Original Post
Hi there! My newish account, 2ndhampa(i know its a stupid name but i was 9 and was a fan of hampa) got banned and i understand why NOW but i didnt then as i was only 9. I bought some items off my friend because we negotiated over skype and the total of everything ( some radioactive stuff and a lil bit more, all i remember) was 8k and im not that good at tb it took me very long to get that and he sent it to my banned account (thats what i ussually played with, now i play with my main, hevyfir3)and my account was banned for reasons like spamming (not on purpose by accident) and double posting and stuff but i didnt realise any of that at the time. (and ofc bad username choice, the ban was permanent)so i decided to play on my main, HEvyfir3. Anyway he sent it to the wrong account by accident so i was wondering if i could get my stuff back? Only my bought stuff, so radio stuff and some others... not sphinx force and stuff, and no tc.) just because i think that i should get it. This was a long time ago but i was just wondering...

Thank you for your time reader.


P.S. I Do use the forums properly now i understand them fine.

P.S.S The user who sent me was coelhovsky or coelhovky im not really sure anymore.
Last edited by Hevyfir3; Apr 11, 2012 at 08:48 AM. Reason: Forgot To Mention Sometihing
Well I would suggest pming an admin about your problem. Maybe some links of the transaction history if its still there. If not just provide the information that you think is needed to for the admin to help you.

Tip: Try informing someone as soon as it happens next time. The quicker you respond the easier it is for them to fix it ;)
I'm back :)
Originally Posted by Hevyfir3 View Post
P.S. I Do use the forums properly now i understand them fine.

no you don't, why is your text fucking huge
Originally Posted by Hevyfir3 View Post
I know but i didnt understand the forums at the time but ty Any Admins u can tell me?

Here, there are a list of admins here:
Just pm one of them and they should give you the assistance you need.
I'm back :)