Original Post
this was rly impressive... those effects combo was mind fucking but some didnt fit well.
anyways 8.5/10
good job
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
You can't even see what's going on with some of the effects, some are just plain unnecessary, and the ones that are look out of place and quite poor (namely the 3 headshots popup, and the smoke thingy following the knife's path).

Either keep it clean or keep it simple. Distortion effects should be kept to a bare minimum, even if it fits to the song. Why? Because not everybody enjoys getting a headache. If half the clip involves distortions, there's a problem. Same goes for flashes. I want to see the damn gameplay, not flashes of white whenever the guy so much as fidgets.

Keep in mind, I have a bias towards a cleaner edit, so take my CC with a grain of salt. I watch for the action, not the effects. Effects should compliment the gameplay, not drown it, in my opinion.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You can't even see what's going on with some of the effects, some are just plain unnecessary, and the ones that are look out of place and quite poor (namely the 3 headshots popup, and the smoke thingy following the knife's path).

Either keep it clean or keep it simple. Distortion effects should be kept to a bare minimum, even if it fits to the song. Why? Because not everybody enjoys getting a headache. If half the clip involves distortions, there's a problem. Same goes for flashes. I want to see the damn gameplay, not flashes of white whenever the guy so much as fidgets.

Keep in mind, I have a bias towards a cleaner edit, so take my CC with a grain of salt. I watch for the action, not the effects. Effects should compliment the gameplay, not drown it, in my opinion.

If you want gameplay you should go and watch commentarys.
This is an edit, an overedit.
You know, theres alot of people liking overedits now in times.
get used to it.
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
If you want gameplay you should go and watch commentarys.
This is an edit, an overedit.
You know, theres alot of people liking overedits now in times.
get used to it.

Here's the real poser. Why bother even using footage from CoD4 to begin with if you're just going to obscure it to the point of incoherence? You can accomplish the same outcome with any footage from any scenario and it still winds up looking the same if your "overedit" is just a few distortion effects and flashes with no purpose of thought behind them.

Gameplay is inherently the reason why you should be making the video. If gameplay wasn't the reason, you would of chosen any clip available, yet you chose a triple headshot through smoke. Your argument poses a contradiction with your actions.

And just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good. Overedits are slowly becoming viewed as a joke of an edit, as seen by the increase of spoof videos released mocking overedits (often using train simulator and similarly boring games as footage).
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Here's the real poser. Why bother even using footage from CoD4 to begin with if you're just going to obscure it to the point of incoherence? You can accomplish the same outcome with any footage from any scenario and it still winds up looking the same if your "overedit" is just a few distortion effects and flashes with no purpose of thought behind them.

Gameplay is inherently the reason why you should be making the video. If gameplay wasn't the reason, you would of chosen any clip available, yet you chose a triple headshot through smoke. Your argument poses a contradiction with your actions.

And just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good. Overedits are slowly becoming viewed as a joke of an edit, as seen by the increase of spoof videos released mocking overedits (often using train simulator and similarly boring games as footage).

Well, I am glad for your feedback, but I think you are totally wrong.
Overedits is used as joking AND showing off editing styles.
Heres some examples for overedits thats actually being liked and are not taken as a joke. (Don't compare these with mine)

None of those were created as a joke.

Regardless, to every person their editing preference I guess. If you're sticking with this style, then the only things I'll stress about is getting a good movie config, and when you inserted other media, try to make it look natural.

It looks like you recorded on PC, so you might as well invest the time in finding or creating a movie config, as the default lighting for CoD4 is a bit bland. And the headshot symbols and the blooming knife thingy looked out of place, if the whole thing had a light color correction it might not look as out of place..
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Well, I am glad for your feedback, but I think you are totally wrong.
Overedits is used as joking AND showing off editing styles.
Heres some examples for overedits thats actually being liked and are not taken as a joke. (Don't compare these with mine)

so-- you actually spam effects in videos and sincro all that shit for trolling or fun---

Which I suppose you find more funny than create a decent video and learn how to make videos that entertain the ppl instead to just try out random effect where you actually can understand whats going on from beginning to the end-
Originally Posted by chicken89 View Post
so-- you actually spam effects in videos and sincro all that shit for trolling or fun---

Which I suppose you find more funny than create a decent video and learn how to make videos that entertain the ppl instead to just try out random effect where you actually can understand whats going on from beginning to the end-

You seriously need to learn how to see differents between montages and overedits.
Overedits are way more effects and might not look as good but it still looks amazing to see the creativty between effects.
Montages is almost like, sync, small overlays and cc's. Not as impressing.