Original Post
[Solved] A reason to ban ProjectV
Ok here is the issue. Me and projectv were having a jousting clan war for points. At start they were doing fine and no problems occurred. But suddenly my player kasiusis had a very nice streak. They started complaining that kas had a noob move and fspeced him. That wasn’t all. Kas just got mad and gave imaboss a chance. Imaboss did the same move and ProjectV banned him. They all started banning my players. At the end it was just me and kasiusis. BTW, this only happened when they were losing. When they were winning nothing happened. They started making fun of my clan and then everytime they were losing they would reset. We started to yell and they muted us for capsing. They also deopped us. All of our members. At the end we ignored it and and we were winning 10-6 and they banned all of our players. To make us look bad, twice when I was losing THEY would restart and blame me for restarting. Then they banned all of us and started another war with another clan. ProjectV should be banned. When they started losing they started deopping us and banning us so our wins don't count. When they realized we had more wins when we were opped and there was no way they would win, they banned us. You should do something about that. I have screenshots.

Alright, Bans have been set accordingly to the offending players of clan ProjectV.

ldiot, Mwebs1, Loled101, and P1nPoiNT have been banned for 5 days for their unsportsmanlike conduct during an official clan war.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Floop78 Just to tell you this Bedi was acting stupid during the whole clan war i deopped one of them and banned him because of him being stupid and he wasn't even involved in the clan war he joined late.
Originally Posted by proxun View Post
Floop78 Just to tell you this Bedi was acting stupid during the whole clan war i deopped one of them and banned him because of him being stupid and he wasn't even involved in the clan war he joined late.

Originally Posted by RULES:
2) Present evidence. If you want to put forward a complaint without evidence, PM your complaint to an admin, or another staff member

Just posting some helpful advice, like the rules say, if you have proof that "this Bedi was acting stupid" then just post a reply on this thread with the proof, or do option 2 in the rules.
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Last edited by Tinerr; Apr 14, 2012 at 11:54 PM.