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[Tex] Free head project #... 6! (>^_^)>
Hey all! made a new FREE head texture!!!!

here it is:

CnC is always Welcome!

Have Fun!
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.
Plates all over it!

I'm liking how that bottom plate gives it some emotion. Good job with that.

Top mapping is a bit failure. It won't look good.

Good shading with the plates.
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Free textures
So you're doing plate now? :3 Anyway nice job, the thing I would have changed is that mouth, or where the mouth would be placed. Cuz now it looks like there is a mouth and I don't think these kind of head should have that.
Last edited by swedishpower; Apr 23, 2012 at 01:52 AM.
Siku can't touch this!
Reminds me of
"God praise your soul. <3"
~~[Pain] is inevitable, whether you choose to suffer or preserve sooner or later, [Pain] will find you.~~
that was a cool head. If I wear it with your sign, am i stole your head?
anyway 9/10 and your new style looks same with wancorne style
u wot m8