Original Post
It's about time I make a replay thread.
This thread is going to have mostly spars/parkour stuff, but I might throw in another different thing from time to time.

Here are the best spars/parkours I have so far. If you have any info that might help me improve, feel free to share it. Also, leave a rating if you want.

Short spars (under 1000 frames):

best spar ever.rpl <---Should be named Funniest spar ever.
boxing.rpl <---Made by me, myself, and I.
juke.rpl <---This move would be useful in football.
spar1.rpl <---My first "good" spar.
the other best spar ever.rpl <---My best short spar yet.

Long spars (1000 frames or more):

awesome.rpl <---1theV and I messing around with a table.
parkour4.rpl <---Torikill10 and I screwing around.
spar2.rpl <---I still can't believe I lost at the end.
spar3.rpl <---Funny spar with Hours.
spar4.rpl <---I get kicked in the ass twice by Ulthus.

I will update from time to time if I get some more good spars. Also, credit to the people who sparred with me in the replays on this post. (Deadmile, 1theV, Ago2808, Torikill10, D3monz, Funngames, Hours, Ulthus.)
I would have put this replay in the first post had I not reached the max attachment amount.

spar6.rpl <---Spar with Lukedragon. He kept trying to trip me. My favorite move in this was my roll at about 550 frames.

Credit to Lukedragon.
Last edited by pivot23; Apr 23, 2012 at 05:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
I am getting some new spars saved in my replays folder. Should upload soon.
Got some more.

These are all long spars.

parkour2.rpl <---Flipping around a lot. Not much fighting at all.

parkour3.rpl <---I liked this one.

self sparring 1.rpl <---Made by me. I wish it could've been longer.

spar5.rpl <---Lotsa spins and attacks. Kinda sloppy, though.

Credit to Legitable and Bijon.
Last edited by pivot23; Apr 28, 2012 at 07:36 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
I've been taking a break from Toribash, so don't expect any replays for a while. I'll still be in touch with this thread, though.
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
I finally got a couple new ones, all from today!

football2.rpl <---I may not have caught it, but I liked my realistic running skills.

soccer5.rpl <---I don't know how I COULDN'T have put this one up. I mean, I scored...TWICE!

wrestling3.rpl <---I liked my kicks, especially the 3rd one, the 4th one, and the transitions from kick to kick were pretty good too.

Credit goes to Torikill10, Dragon6783, and Bballpro37.
Got 2 more soccer matches.

soccer7.rpl <---I liked my chip shot and the smooth transition to sitting up.

soccer8.rpl <---I tried to dribble, but it didn't really work out.

Credit to Coriban and Awesomsauc.
Last edited by pivot23; Jun 4, 2012 at 03:33 AM. Reason: Again, forgot to give credit.
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted any replays, I'm starting to get a little bored of sparring, but I'll still be posting replays from time to time, sparring or not.
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
football2: Funny one. You did almost catch it though your running looked pretty nice
soccer5: That one was nice, I liked how you went for a second try.
wrestling3: Your kicks were funny when you were standing on your arm, and I liked how you got up.
soccer7: The own goal was funny. He almost got it though. The way you sat down was realistic.
soccer8: Very realistic pose, but your kick looked like a pass.
oh yeah
I got another one from today!

spar12.rpl <---Spar with will12d. Kinda sloppy, but I hadn't posted a replay in a while so I went with this one.

Credit goes to will12d.
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
I got an incredible one today. Definetly one of my best.

spar12.rpl <---Spar in the octagon with Jisse. Amazing job from both of us. I am really proud of this one.

Credit to Jisse.
Sorry for double post.
I had some good soccer replays that I forgot to put up, so might as well do it now.

soccer3.rpl <---I controlled Uke as well. I just like everything about this one.

soccer4.rpl <---I like my chip shot and my standing pose, but I think Uke's movements could've been better.

soccer9.rpl <---Double fake shot, hard kick, nice pose.

soccer10.rpl <---My pose was the highlight of this.

Credit goes to Rot3ex and mx36.
Last edited by pivot23; Aug 24, 2012 at 07:19 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
Finally got some new ones.

backflip.rpl <--- Just a back handspring. Nothing special.

backflip 2.rpl <--- Just a back elbowspring. Nothing special...actually, I don't know what to call that type of flip.
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.