Original Post
Do you like tricking? I do.
I started with tricking a little ago.
Please give me some CnC to be better at this, and help me to be a better replay maker guys
Attached Files
Latin Loves Air.rpl (253.8 KB, 27 views)
Feels like swex.rpl (166.6 KB, 27 views)
Someone Save Us!.rpl (167.5 KB, 21 views)
Last edited by LatinBlade; May 3, 2012 at 06:52 AM.
Latin Loves Air: It was a spar and it was mp and it had no tricking.

Feels like swex: Mp again wtf? The first jump was good, the second seemed weird and the rest of the replay just seems totally weird.

Someone Save Us: 1st and 2nd jump was below the standarts of tricking but acceptable. And then the replay turns out totally weird with random movement and unsmooth.

*Not gonna rate.
Yes yes I know was spars but I posted them because did some flips and blablabla, also why should I make 2 threads to spam more the forum with SP and Then MP?
I call it like it was a small mix xD

Thanks for the CnC Cham.