Original Post
[Tex] Oh... Shi! Caffeine!
Since I was gone for a long time I decided to continue cheering people with my artwork again.

W.I.P. of my new set.

The theme of the set will be based on coffee, cigarettes, cigars, lighters and other cool stuff.

Size 512x512. Early head preview:

(I'll fix the mapping later)

Last edited by Barreta; May 19, 2012 at 02:47 AM.
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
Actually, no... I used Photoshop CS4. I find it easier to use because I am able to manipulate colors with blending options and so on.
Last edited by Barreta; May 18, 2012 at 05:02 AM.
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
I am glad to see you making a texture set again!

Does this mean you will be taking in requests?

Also, I like it, but it seems to be too mirrored.
So what if it is? I like it mirrored. Does it matter to the texture if it is mirrored?
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
In my opinion, yes it does, because it shows that your not really taking your time.

It's also an easy fix, you could simply add some scratches on one side etc, just try to make it more asymmetrical.
I have just began working on this head, it will take a while to finish it. It is not mirrored, but I tried to make it symetric.
I'll continue by adding asymetric curves, wrinkles and so on.

And yes, I will be taking serious requests.
This set will be for sale too.
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
Oh, my mistake, it appeared to be mirrored, next time I will not assume.

What are you planning on doing for the body?
Loving the color scheme, makes me want to get in to set making again.

just one thing: not sure if you intended to do, but i think the eyes are slightly far apart.
please read the art board rules about texture information
that first post is exactly the kind of post we are trying not to encourage

its a nice texture, fairly nice, nothing much else really to say
its a pity the highlights on the nose and upper lip wont show up, too subtle to notice ingame. theyr best parts of the texture
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-