Original Post
Another one of NearlyDead's replay threads.
So, I wanted to post this, get some actual CnC.
it's from awhile back, but I've improved well since then, or atleast I think.
I've since deleted my uninstalled then reinstalled due to problems.
Hopefully going to rematch sicmo soon.
Actually going to bump with another replay.
this one was recent, although I was frustrated with it because whenever I tried
to do something cool, Lexxar would block it or get in the way.
Bump, again.
Attached Files
spar with hans11.rpl (553.8 KB, 24 views)
Spar with lexxar.rpl (513.0 KB, 27 views)
Last edited by Nearly; Jun 1, 2012 at 08:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
wow that
Still waiting for CnC please.
Last edited by Nearly; Jun 2, 2012 at 08:46 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
wow that
Hmm... I didnt really like neither of them, you were too stiff and had fail balance,fail punches and kicks.... Overall 3/10
Really? I rather liked my spar with hans.
Oh well, here's another fail spar.

I got destroyed.
Attached Files
Spar with Kicks.rpl (554.6 KB, 18 views)
wow that
Bump with a spar with gotkicks2.
I wasn't as horrible as the first time, but still bad.
Attached Files
Rematch with gotkicks2.rpl (566.7 KB, 21 views)
wow that
Plan your attack. make stances before you attack. don't just contract your knee then extend it as an attack. try making a fighting stance then punch or kick. that would be more realistic than any attack you did in your whole career in toribash.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Originally Posted by Gotkicks2 View Post
Plan your attack. make stances before you attack. don't just contract your knee then extend it as an attack. try making a fighting stance then punch or kick. that would be more realistic than any attack you did in your whole career in toribash.

Anyway, putting another one of our spars up.
Attached Files
Another Spar with Gotkicks2.rpl (497.8 KB, 27 views)
wow that