Original Post
Ummm...well its my second WIP, and Its been really long since i've done any art, I was never any good at heads anyway though.
Some CnC would be nice.



Ever had an STD? | Need an avy/sigpic? PM me :)
I think it looks nice but it needs some shadows for a more outcoming effect and a little more shading
My art shop pm m or post in the thread if interested:
The metal things on the back of the head look funny, and I would say it looks more like a wolf then a bird ;)
To me it will look nice if your going for deadly bird theme. I think it is really nice and it looks like you have been working hard on it. Plus it looks HD. 8/10 Nice job.
Replay thread

Just made...

fix the eyes
they are supposed to be towards the enemy but they are seeing up


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •