Original Post
[ArT]Image Manipulation
Eazy sauce. Done in 50 seconds.
-Tilt shifted
-Changed color levels
-Changed contrast



I suggest you not to post 50 second stuff if you actually want good critic.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
I suggest you not to post 50 second stuff if you actually want good critic.

Pretty much this.

I think the stock one is better, that blur at the bottom just simply sucks. I also don't like the contrast/brightness. Again, the stock one is better.
Originally Posted by GamerDaPro View Post
that blur at the bottom just simply sucks.

It's called shift tilting. Look it up.
Originally Posted by Tor1g0d View Post
It's called shift tilting. Look it up.

Well , that it's called ''shift tilting'' doesn't say it doesn't suck.
The original image is very unprofessional and the "fix" didn't make it any better. I like the "shift tilt" actually, it is a really interesting effect I have used myself on various projects, and I don't think its the edit that made this picture horrible just the stock.
the stock picture was really better the stones in the front was very nice and that shift tilting have it ruined .... why u dont try just to edit this picture so to add there more objects like clouds and sun etc give a color effect on the watter without the shift tilting