Original Post
Texture Trails Problem-Bug ??
Hey guys, I got a pc where toribash works on 60fps and all cool,
But the problem is that the textures mess up and move like gifs meanwhile the tori is moving.


and I know that it's a bug because in my other **** pc the trails are okay.
Also, the pc that has this trails problem is like 1000 times better(Windows 7, 60fps) than the one without the trail error(Windows Xp, 18~24 fps)...
So I think maybe it's not a problem of having a bad pc or something.

Can you help me? because that pc of 60fps is the one that I use to film videos and play, and I don't like this bug :s

P.s: I'm uploading a video with the error if you don't understand what I say.

If you can't watch the video it's because I didn't finished uploading

I'm Using Tb 3.9.0 and Tb 4.0 beta 7
The pc with the error is windows 7 (maybe the O.S is the problem)