Original Post
[art] Happy Tori
I'm weirdly proud of this, so I'm reposting.

I thought of a fun game, I'll repost some art I like when people comment here, 1 comment = 1 image.
Last edited by ImmortalCow; Jun 10, 2012 at 07:38 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Oh that shadow is supposed to be like that, because the shin isn't actually a regular rectangle, it's distorted (look at the left arm for example). If I were to redo it I would fix it a bit though, it's a little strange :P

Anyway, +1 image

This one was a req from Vermine, never got it as good as his expectations, but i was pretty pleased with it XD
So you're gorman?
Heh i'm Dad.

back to topic,this is an artowrk at it's finest.
I love the grassball,and the tori,but i somehow feel strange about it's shading,torso parts are messed up,but overally a nice job!

I would give this 8/10 for sure.
Little keyboard warrior
Hey Dad, long time no see :P So you're alting it up too now huh?

Another image of the rig used in the first image, also known as the "Notqy rig" (named after Notqy's style of drawing toris)

Check out the distortions
BenDover posted <3

So here is +1 image

EDIT: Oh yeah this one is made in povray, I modeled the pieces in blender then imported them with a custom script and rendered/duplicated them in positions
Last edited by ImmortalCow; Jun 10, 2012 at 09:52 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
The tori itself looks pretty good and unique but the head ruins it, in my opinion.
I play games and lift weights.
Originally Posted by Janhuh View Post
Looks terrible the head looks transparent and dumb with the free head texture.

Armino made it I think
Originally Posted by Humper View Post
The tori itself looks pretty good and unique but the head ruins it, in my opinion.

It was an example render for fl0w I think, so I didn't have any fancy texture for it :/

Let's go for a change of pace, 2 low poly renderes

A pixel art style modular castle tile set

It's the person from that game by "That Game Company"! Low poly, 32x32 texture iirc