Original Post
[A] Cartoon set
Cartoon set.
Artist: Elate
Size: 512x512
Resize: It resizes automatically.
Recolor: 5k, any color.
Starting bid: 5k
Minbid: 1k
Autobuy: 50k
End: 48 hours after last valid bid.
Accepting only tc's.

Last edited by Elate; Jun 11, 2012 at 01:06 PM.
I'll start it off with 5k ;3
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Um, I think hunter force is worth 11k, so I'll just bid 12k.
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