Original Post
I present my 1st single player replays.
At least, the 1st single player replays I showing here. Usally I show mutiplayer replays. I was expermenting with single player and I made some decent replays. Hope you enjoy.
Attached Files
!flying kick.rpl (33.0 KB, 21 views)
!flying headbutt 2.rpl (16.5 KB, 14 views)
!best nukem ever.rpl (41.2 KB, 17 views)
ur very good. even if these are in single player they rule 9/10 :}
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Ok, I will be completely and blatantly honest with you:

These were all terrible when compared to average replays.

Why you may ask? It is because they are stiff, symettrical and generic. Try going limp and doing something more creative.

However, since they are your firsts, I will not hold it against you, and I wish you better luck in your next replay batch
Since when did I become Asian?