Original Post
Okay, I'm not gonna be harsh, but I may sound like it. (Just a notice before you go rage on me)
You didn't relax any joint whatsoever, which made you look very stiff throughout the whole spar.
Your hits look very strange and aren't set up very stylishly, nor are they set up correctly.
You have no flow going inbetween your movements.
You had no balance at all, (staying on your feet) and you kept lifting yourself off the ground with your arms which don't look realistic.
You seem to be more into getting points and winning then making the whole spar look good and clean. If that was your main goal the whole time, then I wouldn't really label this as a spar.

A spar is a realistic fight between two players.
To be more specific, here's what I usually want to see in a spar.
1. Realism.
2. Style.
3. Good-looking and realistic punches and kicks.
4. Flow. (When you have a constant movement or rotation or anything relative to that idea)
5. Balance.
Also, I'd like to see some relaxed movements as in relaxed joints that are not being used.
In your spar, you kept your body parts extended, contracted, or held for a large amount of frames.
This will cause you're player to look stiff, which is what you really do not want.

Now, here's what you need to practice on.
1. You need to relax those joints that you aren't paying attention to such as
a. An extended or contracted knee.
b. An extended or contracted elbow.
c. A lowered or raised shoulder
d. Etc. (Even though there's really nothing else that can cause you to look stiff)
2. You need to stay on your feet more. It gives you a wide variety of movements you can access with possibly just a few clicking of joints.
3. Try to avoid having your hands hit the ground. Only have your hands on the ground for a pose or to help you regain balance if you somehow do a bad hit or lean too far.
4. Work on your realism. You're hits must look real, your movements must look real, and your reactions must look real.
a. To make a realistic hit, think of a kung fu movie or any movie that includes fight scenes.
Notice how the kicks or punches look.
For example, a general realistic punch is [Contracted elbow, extended pec] ----> [Extended/relaxed elbow, contracted pec]
Some sparrers have their own way of setting up their hits.
b. I'm not sure of "realistic movement," but, in my case, I always think of what will help me gain more flow and speed so that I can throw out a nasty hit. I, also, think of will my next move threaten my balance.
c. A reaction is what you would do when you've been kicked/punched/pushed very forcefully in a certain area.
To make these reactions correctly, you need to focus on where you're going to take the impact of the hit from.
For example, if you're going to be hit from the side of your head, you would want your chest to rotate in the same direction of the hit, so that your head may rotate as well. This will create the effect that you've been hit really hard.
You may also want to refer to your arms movements as well.
For example, say you've been kicked in the stomach or torso area, you would most likely crouch and tuck your arms into your chest (Contracted pecs).
But, you must focus on how hard the impact will be.
If the impact is soft, there's no need to react.
If the impact is deadly, a reaction would add much more effect.
Also, when you plan your reaction, make sure you have a way to regain your balance.
However, if you've been hit very hard, (I would prefer a hit in the head) and the remaining frames are low, I'd suggest you stay down.
5. You need to think of your style as well. (Too lazy to explain anymore)
That's pretty much what I can think of to help you with your future spars.
Yes, I know, this is VERY, VERY long.
However, I do hope you read and understand this.
Last edited by Kiza; Jun 28, 2012 at 12:39 AM.