Original Post
[-Rage] Clan Thread


When there were only dinosaurs and cavemen. There was still rage. There has always been rage. There will always be Rage.


WereWolf98 Kershner2 WhiteBoySwag
Sonic0203 Rasmus0813
Togo234556 west206
Anoit7 MarkarPL



Belt: (minimum black some exceptions)
What Skills will you bring to [-Rage]:
Why should we recruit you?:
2 Replays(MP preferably)
Example for Recruitment!
2nd dan!
I am very good at akido and sparring!

I can make art and donate to the clan bank!
Im not going to post 2 replays here because that would be weird.
Last edited by Twat; Jul 16, 2012 at 11:15 PM.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Name: Nocturn, Leader of the Edreathian army (I'm also refered to as Derpy :3)
Belt: 3rd Dan blackbelt.
Age: I'm private :<
What Skills will you bring to [-Rage]: Well i'm awesome at akidiobigdojo And jousting, I can teach anyone the Basics of toribash commands.
Why should we recruit you?: Well i can surely make a clan image for the clan -Rage. (Your missing one so i will Make one in time If you Want ofcourse)
Hello ^+^
You need to make a new thread, your leader gave up and joined Ethr.

ES Member | [a] Adventure
Also guys, made the Clan image @Dan a New thread would be nice
Last edited by sonic0203; Jul 6, 2012 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Dero
Hello ^+^
Belt: 2nd dan Black Belt.
Age: 11
What Skills will you bring to [-Rage]: Controlling a tori well for an 11 year old boy, judo, aikido, running (Includes runkido), other things.
Why should we recruit you?: I'm really good for an 11 year old, and mostly have smooth movement, fair player, good at sparring.
A note : I will be more active on the forums ;P
Such as posting replays.. other things.
I'm ready for it all!
Hello My friends, my name it's Surginou
My age it's 13 and im 2 dn (997 games to 3DN)
Well ... My skills?
i say i can play well for an Toribash 3 years im good in judo, aikido, Taekkyon, running, and I loove i love parkour mods.
Why You Should to recruit me? I'm active in the forums, i love to contribute and help others as well, help should be on my behalf, I would also like to help the image of the clan just send a private message saying what should I draw that I help .. : D also love to spend my character and deichar sexiest uh .. well .. it does not matter ee. if they want me to send a replay to see how good I am .. I say: D
Last edited by surginou; Jul 8, 2012 at 05:59 AM. Reason: BUMB
I'm Swining arround in the vagina...,I'm Swining arround in the vagina...! I try to make a princes