Original Post
Forums NEED This.
I was thinking about how the forums are a bit boring.
And I started thinking "What is GrinderScape got forum upgrades like my old game did? :o)

So there was basically Toriprime (Was the main upgrade)
It gave you:
-Upload bigger avatars
-Have more room in your signature (We don't need to restrict that like the other game did)
-Allow you to have a default font color in posts
-Allow you to have default font style in posts
-Access to a ToriPrime board
-Search the forums (We dont need to restrict that, like that game did)
-Allows you the freedom of being awesome

Then there was forum VIP (Was a much bigger upgrade from Toriprime)
And it gave:
-Upload (much) bigger avatars (Max was 150x150)
-Upload animated avatars
-Have more room in your signature
-Upload animated signature images
-Allows a background image in your posts (MY MAIN POINT)
-Access to a VIP board
-Allows you to use the reputation feature in Wibbles (Wibbles was their spam section.
-Gives you the VIP achievement
-Allows you to style your profile page (color, images etc)
Some of that stuff we have doesn't need to be restricted^^.

Here is the site.

If you took a look around, you'd see someone with the features.

But anyway, I really think background images in posts should be put in, it would make things look so much cooler.
I don't mean put these in as a seperate rank, I mean to add them to S-Donator Rank,.

I'd like you to consider this, thanks! ^u^

P.s, when I find someone with the background image feature, ill post it , so you can see how cool it is
The forum searching function would make everything 9001 times slower because everybody would be using it if it was free.
oh yeah
Lol people.
I posted this so my other forum can see it, im suggesting this stuff to them.
Can't post on theirs do to some random reason.
This is stupid, and why is this here.

Super duper duper...super closed.

Super closed even.
Last edited by Dagger; Jul 22, 2012 at 06:11 PM. Reason: Super!
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