I love how you think that you're good in art, but you're fucking horrible.
It looks like you downloaded a render, put a C4 behind it and added some blur and lines here and there.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Bingo! No need to rage though. "Good in art" is gramatically incorrect. I believe "Good at art" would be the correct english. I don't think i'm really that amazing, just wanted a title people would

click on. The only stock image in the 2nd one is the man. Added filters on all of them, which is 1/2 of what signatures is about. This is the second day i've even ever tried making signatures and

avatars. I don't have maya, cinema 4d, or any of those high-end 3d rendering programs so I download them. Nice pieces of shit by the way.

Looks like a couple of pre-set brushes slapped onto

some video game character.
Well, you have a decent grip on the basics, such as positioning. Not much other than the basics. None of your renders blend into the backgrounds at all.

The blur on the first one doesn't make it blend in better, and you should avoid doing that.

A method that I find makes blending easier is using an external source of light and a soft white brush to help the render and background blend.

Tone down on your C4Ds, they really don't help make signatures look better unless you are very experienced at their use and placement, and, seeing as you are new at it, I suggest you don't use any until you become better at the basics/intermediates.

Lighting effects(like the one in the 2nd siggy) should only be used when you fully understand how to use them. I have the particular one you used, and, you didn't use it to its full potential. They're referred to as lighting effects for a reason, and you're using it wrong.

Also, for your texts, use something sleeker, like trajan pro or neuropol.
Originally Posted by Tor1g0d View Post
Bingo! No need to rage though. "Good in art" is gramatically incorrect. I believe "Good at art" would be the correct english. I don't think i'm really that amazing, just wanted a title people would

click on. The only stock image in the 2nd one is the man. Added filters on all of them, which is 1/2 of what signatures is about. This is the second day i've even ever tried making signatures and

avatars. I don't have maya, cinema 4d, or any of those high-end 3d rendering programs so I download them. Nice pieces of shit by the way.

Looks like a couple of pre-set brushes slapped onto

some video game character.

When did you make these two sigs?

They look nice, a bit simple but nice.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Well, you have a decent grip on the basics, such as positioning. Not much other than the basics. None of your renders blend into the backgrounds at all.

The blur on the first one doesn't make it blend in better, and you should avoid doing that.

A method that I find makes blending easier is using an external source of light and a soft white brush to help the render and background blend.

Tone down on your C4Ds, they really don't help make signatures look better unless you are very experienced at their use and placement, and, seeing as you are new at it, I suggest you don't use any until you become better at the basics/intermediates.

Lighting effects(like the one in the 2nd siggy) should only be used when you fully understand how to use them. I have the particular one you used, and, you didn't use it to its full potential. They're referred to as lighting effects for a reason, and you're using it wrong.

Also, for your texts, use something sleeker, like trajan pro or neuropol.

This is what I was looking for Hyde, thank you so much.
Originally Posted by xfoxyx View Post
When did you make these two sigs?

They look nice, a bit simple but nice.

Those are ChuckNinja's, I was just pointing out that he isn't a sig pro
Last edited by Tor1g0d; Jul 28, 2012 at 03:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Things you should work on:

Usage of colour.
The range of colours you've used in all signatures is quite bland and boring.
In the last signature you tried to use more colour but they conflict with eachoter.
Do some colour studies to see which colours compliment and which colours conflict.
It might be good to check out contrast as well.
There is enough information about colour on the net, so I suggest you start there.

Blending of the render.
In every signature the render looks like it's slapped on a background. This does not look professional.
Try blending it in with the rest of the signature, making ONE image instead of SEVERAL images stacked on eachother.
Just blurring some parts isn't blending, it creates a little bit of depth but it will not help to make your images into one.
There is a lot of information on how to make a complementing piece on the web as well.

Just horrible.
Wait with text until you've got the other things down.

This should be enough information for now (:
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Thanks benD, 1 more.
I know they're sub-par, but i'm upset noone is buying. I've seen much worse avvy/sig shops do a lot better with terrible PS skills/knowledge


I'm not BenDover.
I used that stock when I was a noobie:

You can see I tried to merge the stock with the background, I fudged up the exposure on the stomach and the placing of the stock is a bit boring.
I also tried to balance the colours a bit.
This might give you an idea on what to improve.

Don't take that signature as a good example though, it's not.
I was still very new to graphic design back then.
It just shows you a bit what you can do.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.