Original Post
[Solved] Wont let me get blue belt
hi im currently a green belt and im playing in the intermediate judo/akido and even when i win it always says 100 games till blue belt and never gets lower ive won atleast 20 games already and it still says 100 games till blue belt
Wait a bit, you should be gaining qi by then.

You get qi for every match you play (meaning every match you win or lose).

It's the unit of experience.
Last edited by firebolty; Jul 29, 2012 at 06:59 AM.
well ita been like this all day since i woke up so for bout 7 hours
i havent been able to any closer to blue also how do i check my qi
You can check your qi on the forums via Shop (top of the page).

You may have to wait until the next day until you start gaining qi again.

You can only get 100 qi per day.

You've started getting your qi again.

If this issue occurs again, wait until the next day and you should start gaining qi again.
Last edited by firebolty; Jul 29, 2012 at 03:21 PM.