Original Post
[Solved] Replay changed
Oh wow, someone had their first post be in support. Still bear with me here, there is a small problem I am having. I have been attempting to put together a compilation of my Taekkyon decaps. But I suck at toribash, so they are pretty hard to do. Recently I was ably to accomplish one, but when I went back to look at it,
A) The replay didn't feature the person I was originally fighting. (I think it may have been a person named CoronolMic or something similar)
B) The roles of tori and uke had been swapped, so it showed me being decap'd.

If it helps, the person who was featured in my role was the person who I fought next. I shall attach the replay to this thread, although I doubt that will help either.
Attached Files
Decaped bro!.rpl (43.6 KB, 10 views)
Last edited by EpicXeno; Jul 31, 2012 at 08:20 PM. Reason: Forgot attachments. And made a spelling mistake...
CoronolMic doesn't seem to be a player. However, if it doesn't really matter and you just want the order switched around, here you go. If you do find out who the original player was, go ahead and send me a PM and I'll change the name to his.

EDIT: Found a CoronelMic.
Attached Files
Decaped bro!.rpl (43.6 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Shift; Jul 29, 2012 at 10:16 PM.
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Originally Posted by Assazin View Post
CoronolMic doesn't seem to be a player. However, if it doesn't really matter and you just want the order switched around, here you go. If you do find out who the original player was, go ahead and send me a PM and I'll change the name to his.

EDIT: Found a CoronelMic.

Thanks, would you happen to know how often this happens, or why at least?
This happens when you save the replay after the option to save the replay goes away or if the option to save the replay doesn't even come up after the match.

In simple terms, not so often, but it happens.