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Trying to decide a new hobby, need some information
Basically I'm looking for a new hobby, and I have it narrowed down to 3:

A martial art, probably gonna do Muey Thai if I pick this.
Men's (duh) Gymnastics, most likely on parallel bars if I choose this

I just want to know if any of you toribashians know/do any of these and how difficult it can be to pick up and if you enjoy it or no.

I can't decide, a Martial Art seem like it would actually serve a purpose (self defense) in the real world; Gymnasts have ripped bodies, like holy fuck they're buff as all hell; and Breakdancing just looks sweet. They'll all get more fit which is my goal, I'm already fairly fit but I just want a new athletic hobby.

If anyone could provide any insight to these I'd appreciate it.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
Martial Arts or Body Building/Cross Fit.

Im already into body building.

Can you provide a reason for your choices?
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
A lot of people down here go into boxing and then after a month or so go into Muay Thai. That's if you have no martial arts experience, though, I was in boxing for 3 months~+ but didn't renew my membership because it bored me to death.

(in short, muay thai, go boxing a bit first if you have no experience in fighting/martial arts)
I actually used to be a gymnist, even though i stopped like 6 years ago i still have six pack abs and can do the majority of tricks i could 6 years ago. Trust me you want to do gymnastics.... the only annoying thing is if you are over 5 foot 7 the tricks become much harder because there is more of you to do them, and it becomes more dangerous the higher your level. The price to take classes is also relatively high.

also you dont just do one section of gymnastics, like p-bars you train to do all of them and pick the ones you like to compete in

It is relatively difficult to get good at gymnastics, but once youre good you stay good. Martial arts are some what bullshitish unless you do them for more than 4 hours a day and train like a budhist monk.

Break dancing is pretty much gymnastics based dancing once you learn gymnastics you can transition veeeeery easily into break dancing.

If you tried hard you could get to level 5 which is backflips off walls spinflips and backflips on the floor no problem without hesitation in about 4 years. this would be with 2 hours for 3/7 days a week...make sure your coach isnt just going to fuck around though and actually train you

best of luck deciding what you want to do
oh also the majority of people start gymnastics at around 5 years old, and reach level 5 at about 9-12 years old, max level is 10 and since most olympics gymnast are 15+ so theyve been doing it around ten years with more intense training with close to 6 hours a day so don't expect to ever become olympic level.

Level 5 is plenty good enough though, by then you'll be buff as fuck and be able to do backflips n shit no problem
Last edited by sirkill1; Jul 31, 2012 at 07:33 PM.
Originally Posted by Giantz View Post
hone guitar skills and make band

Already play guitar
Already have plans to make a band

But i'm leaning towards muay thai atm since I have a friend who will do it with me but if I do gymnastics I'll be alone, and alone in a class of ~8 year olds learning beginner skills.
Now can people please stop making stupid suggestions. I don't care if you make some, but I want an athletic hobby, and I find "regular" sports (soccer/football/etc) boring
Last edited by 2worlds; Aug 2, 2012 at 07:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
free running/parkour
you'll end up with a broken face if you do muay thai, its a bit late to start gymnastics, you need to be flexible and breakdancing is so...

free running and parkour isnt as structured and disciplined as martial arts or whatever, so you can teach yourself in your spare time and watch youtube... I would feel awkward running and tricking through a busy city centre though...

I would get back into bmxing or sailing again if i was gna start up a sport again.
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