View Poll Results: Will we sucseed?
Yes, you will.
25 Votes / 49.02%
No, you suck
17 Votes / 33.33%
The other option you click when you dont know.
9 Votes / 17.65%
Voters: 51. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
[-Pulse] Clan


A few years ago a young man came along.
He was a regular old joe, though he did work as a heart surgeon.
Now when he worked on hearts he noticed this strange energy that pumped through the heart, or as he called it "the [-Pulse]"
All the people that he worked on were in forever gratitude and wanted to help him somehow.
He said "Well if you want to help then help me fight off the evil clans that give people heart conditions!"
From there he made a clan called [-Pulse] and then he forever remembered that strange Pulse as the energy that fuels him to defeat these evil clans!



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Official []
10k [x]
50k []
5 members []


Forum activity:
Why you want to join:

PM Dan if you want to be an ally.

No spam
No troll
No flaming
No ally requests


UnDer COnstRucTiOn
Last edited by Sneaky; Aug 6, 2012 at 11:56 AM.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
.:Confirming Leadership:.
Lets keep the Pulse From Going Out. Come and Stay with the Living
"Orgasmis Maximus *Thud* *Crack* *Boom* I'm Done"
Ill be here till its dying day.

Its nice to start a clan with a friend.

Also, our irc is #Pulse
ES Member | [a] Adventure
Name: Vitor.
Nick: T0RI0BABY.
Belt: 6th Dan.
Age: 19.
GMT: -3.
Forum activity: 5/10
Why you want to join: Because, i respect this clan, and i wanna help with recruitment, tcs, and another things...
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

Of course you are accepted. All you need to do is boost your activity, because we are a social clan.

And ill be at irc.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
Name: NekoTheCat
Forum activity: 7/10 usually browsing until I learn the game better
Why you want to join: To find a clan that can help teach me this game as I thoroughly enjoy it
We are a forum clan

We wont help you get better. Waiting for votes.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
If you want help then go to the clan Bleu
sorry but no.
Last edited by Twat; Aug 3, 2012 at 07:48 AM.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Bleu is probably the place for you.

Im a supervisor there... :/

ES Member | [a] Adventure