Originally Posted by Zyrax View Post
I got something, it's just some comic, but you must read.
here you go.

HOLY S....! That scroll bar trolled me for the first time.

Also, I've read this story a few weeks ago in this site.
Good story.

The Creak of the Door.

Long story, by the way.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
Hamsters ♥ Eternally proud to be Fyre ♥

Preety mysterious, good job on finding this!
Wall of text

Yep, preety creepy too!
Last edited by Metriakon; Aug 3, 2012 at 10:32 PM.
On vacation. We stayed at a pretty nice hotel near the beach,
but due to my tolerance for heat I pretty much stayed inside the whole trip.
I was given a room with a mirror facing the bed, who the hell designs these rooms?!
You can't sleep in a room with a mirror facing you, haven't the architects seen Mirrors?!
So as you may have guessed I kept myself awake that night, one eye at the mirror, one eye at
the pc screen. "Ain't gon be no mirror monstah fuckin me ovah in the sleep, hell no!"
Btw I watched Toy Story 3 and some Chuck for those who are interested. Lets continue on, I slept during the day
in fear of pale, horrid, eyeless creatures reaching out from the mirror, dragging me to their side
only to feed me to their abominable offsprings. Tearing off the meat
from my limbs while I'm still alive, peeling off my skin to use as their latex bdsm
costumes, breaking my fingers off to use as nosepickers. I was trembling by the mere
thought of these vile happenings. I did not rest until the sun was safely
placed on the sky. My family allowed me to rest through the breakfast, but
there was no arguing when it came to lunch, I had to get up. So that left me
with not enough sleep (We usually get ready to eat around 1-3 P.M. the sun
wasn't fully positioned before 7, and because of the heat I slept about 10-12
hours a day).

After 3 days at that hotel we moved to another location so we could "explore
more of this beautiful place". Finally, I thought. "No more mirrors disturbin ma sleep!"
I was a fool to think so. Of course the other room had one, perfectly placed
to reflect the bed and those who slept there, unwary of its evil purpose.
When the night came I had to make a decision, I was tired as fuck, feeling
like I was the sandmans only assignment. I tried to cover up the mirror with
a towel, shit did not work. "Fuck it," I said and ignored my fear. I crawled
comfortably under the sheet and tilted my head away from the mirror, placed
my Fannywangs firmly on my head and listened to some music
(Rabbit Killer/Farleon, great for sleeping). And I fell asleep.

Waking up in the middle of the night, feeling this intensive stare at me, raw evil.
It was pitch dark, I raise myself into a sitting position, gazing towards the wall,
towards the mirror. All I see is a black figure in the mirror, not sure if it's me
or... what ever it could be. I suddenly realize that I'm getting off the bed,
placing my cold sweaty feets on the floor. Walking straight towards the mirror,
I have no control of my body, not even my own mind. What are these
thoughts that flows through my head, I can't make an understanding of it.
Abstract motions with yet so much purpose (related to another story I might tell).
I stop right before the mirror, just looking mindlessly at it, not focusing on anything in it,
just looking at the mirror as whole, as complete (You feel me?).
Suddenly I bow forward, placing my forehead in contact with the mirror, it's cold, real cold.
My eyes have now adapted well enough to the darkness to make out some details about the shape in the mirror.
A grin, a wide grin is the first thing that I see. It terrifies me, scares me, but I can't look away.
Not because I wont, because I literally can't. I have no control. Hair, the shape has hair,
black short hair, a humanoid shape, brown eyes and pale skin.
Its eyes stares at me, I get this threatening evil feeling again, even more evil
than before. It just stares into me, not on me but into me, into my deepest fears.
Into what I love, what I cherish the most, and manipulates it. Crushes it
mentally. And all while doing this is the grin, like this being enjoys doing this,
pleasuring itself to new heights. The true definition of sadism.
I was finally able to break eyecontact. Resting my eyes at my hands placed
on the desk. My grey rotten hands, with long bony fingers?! I immediatly look
up and see another creature in the mirror, not the evil I once saw before.
This time a horrid pale being, with rotten flesh and bones sticking out from its body.
It was looking downwards, seemed frightened, scared to its bones
(which it may already have been judging on the bones that stuck out).
Suddenly the creature and its surroundings is gone, turning the mirror back to normal.
I now gazed upon myself, just standing there, terrified of what I just had experienced.
My black hair short hair, brown eyes, pale skin. It was then I realized I was the
I am the evil.

Btw I slept like a baby the rest of that night, ate 2 meatball marinara subs and some coke.
a big ass wall of text

There is an explenation for this my friend, you experianced a "lucid" dream, its when you think youre in real life, but youre in your dream, and because you were thinking all the time about that creature in the mirror, It appeared there, and in your dream, the evil creature had control over your body.

Also, MOST of the time you have control over "lucid" dreams, like when you woke up and got off the bed, you knew you were doing that, your brain commanded your body to do that.
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
There is an explenation for this my friend, you experianced a "lucid" dream,

Yeah that makes a shitload of sense, watched Insidious two times at the first hotel ;)

While we're on it, has anyone seen Mirrors 2? If that is the case would you recommend it?
Last edited by McDill; Aug 4, 2012 at 03:56 AM.
Nice idea but there's not much to discuss to be honest.
People will most likely just link posts and c/p creepy pastas from other sources anyway.
If you want to read scary sources you'd be be best off heading to a forum that specializes in that.
Any questions or queries feel free to Pm me.
Sorry about that.