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[Tex]Vexel"ish" Sci-fi head

Early WIP screens

I used the term vexel"ish" because it wasn't done off of vector graphics as I don't know how to exactly make vectors in GIMP, but everything I did was either path and fill tool or anything to do with layers.

Very early WIP as I'm going to go through each stage.

Going to give it some asymmetry later on, but only the eyes are done, the dark blue area is more of a canvas to work on and to give me a vague idea on what I am intending to do.

I'm not expecting C&C until later on, I'm just posting this here to keep a database of all the versions.

I mainly want suggestions for now and/or advice on using GIMP for vector like drawings.

Texture is 512

So path tool, fill bucket and layer editing are the tools I used to make this.

Oh, and mirroring obviously...
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