Original Post
[impulse] Impulse
Welcome to Impulse clan, enjoy posting here!

Kill or be killed.

In the ruins of a place once known as Earth, a small creature was made out of remains of all the animals and humans. This creature was a rare specimen known as a hybrid god. Soon, he became the most powerful creature in the universe. But then he turned mad and started killing all the people that existed. Soon, only a few people remained. The people got together and formed a clan called Impulse. The clan had only one purpose. That purpose was to guard the earth until it's final days.

CalmDown09 - Member - 7th Dan Black Belt
Klux - Founder - Blue Belt
Lehto - Member -
Brown Belt
Ultimation - Leader - 3rd Dan Black Belt

Interested in joining Impulse?
Think you have what it takes to become one of us?

If yes, then apply now at our Application Thread.

If you want to be a single/clan ally, PM me and I'll add you.
Please note that we will only accept allies if we know you. Don't bother requesting allies if you think we don't know you.


We won't bother adding any enemies here.
You'll know if we dislike you so don't bother requesting enemies.

1. Have 5 members [ ]
2. Get the clan tag []
3. Get 10 members [ ]
4. Have 40k in the clan bank [ ]
5. Become an official clan [ ]

VCBank functions as our clan bank.
Anyone is welcome to donate tc or items.

Donators and donations will be listed here.

Danwebb11 - 10 TC
Klux - 1 TC

Current TC: 11 TC

The clan IRC is #Impulse
Invaders are welcome to enter and chat as long as you don't annoy us.

Regular rules apply although here are some we would like you to follow when posting here.

1. Don't spam or flame.
2. Don't useless/excessive post just to boost your post count. Use the IRC for less serious discussion.
3. Invades are welcome but don't cause trouble in this thread and follow these rules when posting.
4. Try to mantain a good posting quality and make posts relevant to the topic and also make posts useful.
Last edited by Klux; Aug 6, 2012 at 09:09 AM.
Good luck to us.
Now we got the tag!

also this is my first post on this clan thread*
why tag isn't [v] ?-_-
Last edited by Dead_old2; Aug 5, 2012 at 12:00 PM.