I don't play toribash, I just log in and press C for IQ when I read a book or something

When I'll have the IQ, I'll be able to sell my account for 60$ or something. That's easy money!

User banned: Please don't insinuate that you're going to sell your account.
Last edited by hanz0; Aug 6, 2012 at 08:52 PM.
Fun game, love the concept of it but im pretty much burnt out on it now, so i mostly just play if there are people that i know on line now, Clannies and the like.
Originally Posted by CrazyTaco View Post
but you aren't allowed to sell your account

who says? I do what I wanna do and nobody shouldn't tell me not to do what I want to do

hanz0 says: I'm still trying to puzzle out the double-negatives, but I think it's pretty safe to go with "Nope." as a response here.
Last edited by hanz0; Aug 6, 2012 at 08:54 PM.
Originally Posted by 5brickbomzh View Post
who says? I do what I wanna do and nobody shouldn't tell me not to do what I want to do

hanz0 says: I'm still trying to puzzle out the double-negatives, but I think it's pretty safe to go with "Nope." as a response here.

And now we know.

On topic: I play Toribash because I enjoy it. It's been a while since I've played in game, but when I DO get in the mood, I play for a long period of time.
I play it because it's a fun game that can help me make time go faster (in my mind) and stuffs like Tourneys and Events ...
<@Scorp> koor i love you