I have no idea what that is...didn't you maybe do something to your toribash folder before you rebooted your pc?

Don't make useless posts, then. Warning. ~3vi1
Last edited by AcidMan2007; Jun 15, 2008 at 06:34 PM.
Mapleleaf: He had shaders previously, Just that for some reason now, it doesn't work.

Juntalis: Your best bet would be to look through your logfiles and check if you made any actions that may cause this problem.
If that doesn't work, well, try a system restore or the equivalent on a Linux.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!

I said drivers, not another card.

It may be that he has to reinstall the drivers, due to that OS change.
[charlie@localhost toribash-3.24]$ ./toribash_ubuntu_7
Unable to open logfile for writing
Unable to create OpenGL FSAA screen: Could not create GL context

I think there's something wrong with your Ubuntu thingie.
did you backup your system prior to this? If so, you might want to revert back n' such. Unless you've been working on something big and saved it before you rebooted.

I howp your computah gets awww bettah :/
1. Do you have drivers? If no get them - or make sure they're up to date.
2. Try running it in a terminal.
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
Originally Posted by A0Xr View Post
1. Do you have drivers? If no get them - or make sure they're up to date.
2. Try running it in a terminal.

1. He updated and it only made things worse, apparently.
2. You know, the quote he provided could have easily told you he was running it in a terminal.

Since it can't open the logfile, I also suggest double-checking your permissions for the folder. Probably not related but it couldn't hurt.
I'm not sure what happened; my posts got removed along with any responses. I have no PMs as to why this would be so I'll assume it was a bug/glitch in the forum.

I am getting the error that this thread mentions, it reads as follows:

Unable to create OpenGL FSAA screen: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
Trying without FSAA instead
Unable to create OpenGL screen: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL

I am running gentoo. I have numerous other OpenGL apps that run perfectly. I have tried the following versions of nvidia-drivers: 180.29 177.82 173.14.15.
They all produce the same error. I have tried redownloading toribash. I have tried using the x.org opengl drivers instead of nvidia's. None of this helped, the error stayed the same. I am still getting this error and I can find no fix of it mentioned on these forums. Please help, I would like to play this game again.
No, this isn't a bug/glitch. I removed them. Next time, create a new thread please.

Anyway, is that message in the Stderr ?