Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
(Law) Lawedan

The old school Toribash academy is coming back this 2014!

With a rebuilt design, Lawedan Academy is going to come back this 2014 with brand new teachers from the old school Lawedan. Stay tuned for more updates!

We are active, we are just rebuilding everything from the ground up.
Attached Files
Kenzoid Entry by 6d23.rpl (65.5 KB, 25 views)
gargon555 Entry by 6d23.rpl (85.0 KB, 25 views)
TehMahn Entry by 6d23.rpl (27.4 KB, 16 views)
Natsufight Entry (6d23).rpl (33.0 KB, 18 views)
Alchran's Entry.rpl (59.9 KB, 9 views)
Carty's Entry.rpl (35.6 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by 6d23; Apr 11, 2014 at 11:04 PM.
Can i join your clan ??
Student Application
Real Name: subhan hussain Account name : soulhunter789
Current Belt: blue belt
Why do you want to join as a student? i would like to join because i wish to learn new skills and master them with friends and members of a clan
GMT: GMT+/--1:00
Have you been banned?: never have never will
Will you follow our rules?: i will 100% follow all the rules at all times
Last edited by soulhunter789; Aug 7, 2012 at 12:13 AM.
Real Name:Kenneth
Current Belt:white :l
Why do you want to join as a student?I want to join as a student because I want to learn lots of things knowing I just started.
GMT: + 8
Have you been banned?:No
Will you follow our rules?:Yes, yes I will
Link to your usercard:http://www.toribash.com/usercard/Kenzoid.png
Last edited by Kenzoid; Aug 7, 2012 at 02:51 AM.
Real Name: Jeremy

Current Belt: Green
Why do you want to join as a student?
I am still very new to Toribash and this clan is perfect seeing that
it teaches you the basics and then you get to choose your path.
Im very excited to join this clan and I hope to learn as much as possible.

GMT: -5:00
Have you been banned?:
Will you follow our rules?:
Of course
Link to your usercard: http://www.toribash.com/usercard/TehMahn.png
Attached Files
Comeback.rpl (59.5 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by TehMahn; Aug 7, 2012 at 06:43 AM.

Application Observations PASSED
The application looks just fine, the GMT may be a problem for our Masters but that's just fine. You shouldn't put "never will", you never know the road ahead. We like your approach to learning.

Gameplay Observations PASSED
You play like an average yellow-belted player, that's below your current belt, but we guess that's why you want to join, as for now, no future problems encountered.

Chat Observations FAILED
It was not hard to notice that your English might be a problem in the future, yet we tried to give it a chance. We think that it may be hard, not for us, but for you to understand us. We suggest you get a mentor in your language (Brazilian right?), sorry.

You passed everything but the Chat Observations, this is because of your English, you have a potential in this game, practice your balance and practice some moves by relaxing all, build your moves based on relaxing everything, maybe try my opening moves.
Good luck and you do have a potential!

__________________________________________________ ______


Application Observations PASSED
In my experience, teaching White Belts is a danger, they are new to the game, so they are prone to simply giving up, therefore it's a possibility you get inactive as soon as you enter the clan (We really don't want that risk as every student shows our quality), yet we thought on giving you a try. We hope your GMT is not a big problem.

Gameplay Observations PASSED
At the start I thought that as a White Belt, your gameplay would be of that, a usual white belt, but it was impressive to see those skills in a newcomer, you have potential and we really hope to have a nice future with you in our clan. Analize the replay, have fun checking what your errors where, I do, and that's the key in success, learning what to do in the game and when to do it.

Chat Observations PASSED
Very mature and your English is just fine, therefore you should be a good player, you will be able to understand most if not all of what we say, no other observations here.

Results PASSED
Just like a diamond, you need a little bit of pulishing, first the basics, then pick a path and a mod and you should be mastering it in no time (Atleast from those three battles, I think that). Even thought I was playing with the skills of a Black Belt, I had to use my skills eventually to save myself from moves that would make a black belt loose, instantly. That gameplay is impressive and I'll be more than happy to teach you how to become a Toribash Master. I say it, it's impressive to see a under-black belted player beat the hell up of Dan's, we expect you to be one of those players and to make our academy proud of you, and maybe one day, you may be teaching players. Learn from your errors and improve your moves, I usually spectate after I get a long streak to see what I did correctly, and when I loose, I usually analize what my error was. Good luck!
Originally Posted by hardcod View Post
Want a Clan war ?

Right NOW it's not a good idea, we don't have trained members yet, but later probably, I will contact you, thanks for the offer anyways.
Student app
Real Name:Samuel sedliak
Current Belt:Brown
Why do you want to join as a student? (Min. 4 sentences):Want to be in clan.I want to help clans in wars, or just in public or in TC front.I saw u 6d and i realized that this caln has a very good pontenial .
GMT: +1
Have you been banned?:No
Will you follow our rules?:At 1000%
Link to your usercard:http://forum.toribash.com/tori_achie...name=gargon555
What are the rules of our clan?always respec other membres/players
learn to loose and win
always obey higher ranked members and students
never talk back
prove yourself worthy at all ranks and all times
Always PM other members if yyou gonna be inactive for a while
be active on both game and forums
you cant be at other clan when i im member or student in this clan
my english must be understandable
What will be your duties at entry-level?:Need to prove that i will be good mamber
Last edited by duck; Aug 7, 2012 at 08:11 PM.
Application Observations NEUTRAL
You did only three sentences, but alright, you tried it. Some answers are not bolded.

Gameplay Observations PASSED
You play like a black belt, nice, I thought you played like a Dan until the last replay. Good job thought, you have potential!

Chat Observations PASSED
Sure, it's fine, you know the techniques (the basics), I guess there's no problems here.

You passed everything but the neutral results in the application, but we'll have you in, good job.
Last edited by 6d23; Aug 7, 2012 at 09:16 PM.
Real Name: AZERI Rayane Account name : RANNANE
Current Belt: 2nd dan black belt
Why do you want to join as a student? I want join yhis clan for be with guys at my level

GMT: GMT+/--1:00
Have you been banned?: 2bann fishing
Will you follow our rules?: i will 100% follow all the rules at all times
Accept me plz
Sorry for my bad english (french )
iI'M FRENCH(bad english):3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3