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[tex] Trying to get good with Dodge/Burn
So yea I have a wip and a Demo and Shaman robot head and I would like some CnC and some ideas on it

spinny dealio

and Yes I will fix the back
(This is Not a Free head so do not take e.e)
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~

That REALLY stuck out to me. The line is nice and smooth and then bam, it gets blurry. There are some other blurry spots, but those looked intentional to me. Nice color choice, demolition and shaman. The shaman part in the middle looks a crown, too high up to be a visor imo. Good dodge/burn work!
Lol it's not the visor :P and I know I saw that too I'll try to fix it real quick but thanks for that
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
I think it'ss to simple details and it looks not like a steal.
Last edited by Hug; Aug 15, 2012 at 10:45 AM.
Steal? It's a wip, you haven't even seen the sketch and I know it's simple I want it to be ._. I'm just using simple dodge/burn tactics to shade
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~

Bad screenshots

~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
I suggest ditching the dodge and burn tool right now. It teaches you a bit about lighting theory, but it creates bad habits. Probably the worst habit you get from it is relying on it for all shading.

You should look up some tutorials on how to blend colors and painting or drawing in only grayscale colors. You'll learn a lot better techniques that way than with the dodge burn tool.

Another thing i would like to talk about is how light bounces. When you are working with reflective and semi-reflective surfaces, light bounces, especially on metal surfaces because of the hard and smooth face it has.

Btw, light doesn't just hit the edges of the metal, the only effect you are creating with that lighting trick is a thick or bowl shaped metal plate. Smooth out the lighting as well, that's where erasing and color blending would come in handy.
Aka jusmi.
It looks pretty nice but a tip put a colored layer behind it when you view it ingame like i use always dark that way you can see details better then when its transparent and that way you see mistakes you made earlier it looks nice so far and it doenst have to be burn and dodge you can also just take lighter or darker colors that wy you can choose how close or far away the light is like doxxy explaind btw check his tut out on lighting you can learn some nice stuff out of that
My art shop pm m or post in the thread if interested:
I like the CnC so far but I really want some from BenDover his tut is what made do this and I'm just trying to practice with it a little
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~