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[Tex] first anime head (Vampire)
Hello all i've recently started to make an anime head. it's my first go :P

here is the sketch so far:

any CnC is more than welcome!
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.
hair mapping is very stringy, would like to see smoother, larger "chunks" of hair, with more focus put into what hair is doing at specific parts of the head, if you know what i mean.
face also feels very big, mouth is way down low,
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
The hair could use a more defined growing point. Your hair just goes straight up and doesn't have a clear origin. If you want to make a growing point try to make the masses of hair conform to a certain area (I think Hellsings is above the left eye) The pieces of hair far away from the growing point will still bend slightly towards it. For instance, your hair goes like this: )))gro)win)g) po)int))) when it should be more like this: (((gro(win(g) po)int))).

I don't know how much you want your head to look like the original character, but his hair features an 'M' (Or double Mount Hiroshima as some call it) shape. So there should be nothing but one large bang down the middle of his face, with smaller strands coming from each of the mountaintops. Basically the empty space made by his hair should read as an 'M.' Though, if you really want to make the head look like original character, you should try sketching the silhouette his hair rather than trying to re-create his hair with individual strands. I forgot why, but I remember hearing more than once that the silhouette is the first thing the human brain recognizes. If you can make the silhouette of your hair register as Hellsing's hair silhouete, then someone would recognize your hair as Hellsing's even if it was in a weird color like pink!

By the way, is the original character Hellsing? I never watched the series so I can't say for sure.
Last edited by GoodBox; Aug 17, 2012 at 01:19 AM.
^never finished, never intended to finish it, was only to practice eyes. so yea I don't really count that one.

and thanks for the tips : )
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.