Original Post
See here got 10000

Toricredits history
This is your transaction history
This is where you can view all ToriShop activity.
2008-06-17 17:38:17 From - mobile 10000 Mobile

when I check

Welcome to the Toribash Shop
Torishop is where you can "buy" items with your toricredits. Players earn 5 toricredits per win in game. So the more you play, the more credits you earn!

ToriShop Features

* Trade items with players
* Send items to players
* Manage inventories
* Deposit Credits with Mobile phone, PayPal or Scratch Cards
* Subscribe to ToriBoosters
* Toricredits from games will be credited in Torishop every 24 hours
* Find out how you can earn toricredits in game ...more

Your account
Forum username : zackry

You currently have 0.00 toricredits.
I dunnno Im new It say message yes to 32088 i sented it succesfully then I check account history:2008-06-17 17:38:17 From - mobile 10000 Mobile

See then I check my acc www.onebip.com say RM10 to 10k succes when I click torishop my toricredits are 0 why?
ok double posting isn't needed you could...

PM an admin
Email someone like hampa, etc...
or Get on IRC and ask for help
Now with 100% less angst