Original Post
Engageplayerrotation (in hunterstraining)?
Hi, i am a newb to the position settings and the rotation settigs in the gamerules.

I wanted to set the game rules in the mod hunter training so, that uke starts at the "roof" and tori at the "runway". after many trys i got the position of uke and tori right: engageplayerpos: 0.00,3.00,7.60,0.00,10.00,4.13

but the problem is now that both of them are facing in the same way Oo. i donīt know how to change it so they are facing again towards each other.

if i chage the engageplayerrot: (0,0,angle1,0,0,angle2,0) nothing changes. even if i put an + or - before the engagedistance it does nothing.

i would be pleased if someone helps me.
sorry for my english.
Last edited by husshodn; Aug 27, 2012 at 12:32 PM.