Original Post
[Solved] Betting Glitch?
Well today in Aveng7x's and Dmau5's betting server I bet 12k on this guy called mort1859 during his and P1nPOINT's match. P1n's leg was dmed and was going to dq him.

Well I bet 12337 right on the last second since I'm a slow typer, and it didn't count the bet until after the match. So I lost 12k due to some bug, because it shouldn't have allowed the bet to go through since the match was over. :/

Any help with this?

I don't have a screeny of the glitch, but I'm sure that someone saw it and can tell you my dilemma. Look at the people's transaction histories' etc.

Here's mine: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_trans_hist.php

OH: and I know betting is a risk, yeah, but mort won and I should've received more TC, however I lost it all.
Last edited by r3dh4wk; Sep 9, 2012 at 12:23 PM.
Unfortunately for you, we don't handle things like this, in terms of refunding people that lost their bets this way.

You were unlucky enough to submit your bet right past the bet frame allowed, therefore your bet got "lost".

There were a plethora of reports made about this in the past, so it isn't just you.

There's no refund available for you, but I will bring this issue up so it will be looked at more thoroughly.