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What are infracs?
I recently got my first infrac and i want to know what it is/means. Please say it in sentences please. Thanks
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Ok when it expires does it mean im back to 0?
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Yeah, infractions are like points towards a ban.
If you get too many infraction points it could add to a ban.
Once it expires, your points go back to 0 but the infraction stays on your account forever.
That is to say, staff can see all your past infractions, whether they've expired or not.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
Ok when it expires does it mean im back to 0?

Correct. Typically an infraction will have an expiration date. Rarely will you receive one that doesn't expire.
they're easy to get.useless post,get two probably.bother a mod,get 5.spam alot,get warned,get 4.adds up to twenty,get banned.if they choose them to not expire,you will be perma-banned if ten infracts are are allowed to ask where or how much infracts you have.
Originally Posted by omegadark1 View Post
they're easy to get.useless post,get two probably.bother a mod,get 5.spam alot,get warned,get 4.adds up to twenty,get banned.if they choose them to not expire,you will be perma-banned if ten infracts are are allowed to ask where or how much infracts you have.


Originally Posted by Estimax View Post
Wait you need twenty to get banned?! I thought you only needed three.

5 = 1 day ban
10 = 5 day ban
15 = month ban
18 = 6 month ban
20 = permaban.

Moderators with access to the modcp can also ban you for custom lengths of time, I believe.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Moderators with access to the modcp can also ban you for custom lengths of time, I believe.

Correct, I've received 3 day and 3 month bans. Bans can also be issued independently of infractions, for example I received a 1 week + 5 point ban.

In the past a ban would earn you points too, for example a 1 day ban may earn 1 point, so if you have 4 points then receive a 1 point infraction, you will move to 9 points and get a 1 day ban, then your points will increase to 10, and you will get a 5 day ban as well.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post

To expand on Hyde's "incorrect";
Staff don't have regulations as to when and why they can issue infractions, they have relative freedom to simply infract as much as they want for whatever reason. Sometimes they will follow the global or local rules, but a lot of rules aren't listed. Often they will ignore the rules entirely, or simply say it's because of personal reasons or because someone told them to.

There's no set list. If a mod doesn't like you he could give you a 20 point infraction with the reason "Gorman clone" if he wanted to. It doesn't have to make sense nor do they ever have to defend or justify it, so why bother.