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[Art] Toribash Signature
I used to make signatures and banners, but that was a long time ago. To get back into it, I started off with a toribash based sig. There's a lot going on in it, and I know it's quite overdone, but I'm only just starting to get back into it. Hopefully I'll start producing more worthwhile pieces soon.

CnC appreciated.

it looks pretty gangst to be honest
text fits well nice clean'

only deduction sometimes the tori fits weirdly into the background/foreground, triangles sticking out and stuff
the god
some nice effects, could look very pretty but lacks some of the basics.
and the text isnt completely horrible, which is really good. lol

layout and planning is meh though, picking up on what culapou mentioned, tori at an angle, horizontal sig, round effects, etcetc.
blending is overdone, struggled to make out the pose of the tori.
flow is also confusing, same thing as my comment on the layout.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
This sig is...well ok for me way to over done barely can see the tori cause all the red and oragnes going on and all the lines and splatter paint. If you could take out most of that then it would look much better

The text is kinda to small i lik sigs that have big words and stand out more but this sig is good good job for getting back to it.
l AOD founder l
Reflexz Co founder
Thanks for the advice everyone.
I saved the original in psd format, so I can edit it and whatnot.

I added lighting to change the flow a bit, and tried to undo some of the blending to make the tori more visible. Unfortunately I couldn't get rid of the triangular chunks missing from the tori..
I also took some of the background away to make it more basic, less overdone.
Again, CnC is always appreciated. <3
Shinigami Chop! he's not blended in at all, haha. It doesn't all have to be visible; give it a focal point - say, around the head and bent arm. (also, I like the effects, just blur or darken them out so they don't take away attention from the Tori.)

I actually prefer the first try. It had much more depth to it, the Tori was just too dark. A balance between the first and second would be nice.

You really need to find out what's causing those triangular chunks.
The triangular chunks were from a zig-zag path being selected and photoshop deleted it for some reason. So the tori itself is missing those areas, they aren't an effect or anything. Only way to fix it would be to cut the tori from it's background and get a whole new image, which I cbf doing.

I might try making something in between later. I don't really edit sigs, I prefer to make them. Thanks for CnC c:
Shinigami Chop!