Original Post
half russian users ip blocked.
ok. we got one motherf#cker called Dramer.
he made this thread on rus forum, and then lots of guys was ip blocked.

f code:
[LEFT][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Verdana][14:46] == pr0mod [[email protected]] has joined #toribash
[14:47] <pr0mod> hi all! Why dont work any official servers?
[14:48] <Zayex> I'm thinking down time again.
[14:48] <pr0mod> неугадал хахаха
[B][14:49] <hampa> servers are up[/B]
[14:49] == ViperTech2 [[email protected]] has joined #toribash
[14:50] <pr0mod> ну да, правильно хампа говорит, однако они не работают ххаха
[14:54] <hampa> I guess
[14:54] <hampa> I've blocked parts of russia
[COLOR=#333333][FONT=Verdana][14:56] <hampa> you part of the hack to pr0mod_
[14:56] <hampa> ?
[14:56] <pr0mod> yeah :D
[14:56] <pr0mod> like?[/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]

So I and many others cant access forum without Tor browser.
I guess thats not an option to block us cause of one bustard.
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Perhaps you could start by removing the destructive members from your community.

I thought about going Moscow and kill him. ^ ^. Joking
Originally Posted by nblx View Post
I thought about going Moscow and kill him. ^ ^. Joking

I'm pretty sure legally & morally I'm not supposed to encourage that, though I'm not going to stop you. ¬_¬

Anyways yeah, there's a temp block on a lot of RU thanks to him being a turd.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Im confused parts of russia are banned but think about this PROXYS its easy to use a proxy it wont make a difference
damn im gettin old
Originally Posted by Velair View Post
Im confused parts of russia are banned but think about this PROXYS its easy to use a proxy it wont make a difference

And dramer said that he is still here via proxy.
So Dramer is here and common users - not.

Thats not an option and not effective.
Last edited by nblx; Nov 18, 2012 at 03:04 AM.
Check this out, I translated this stuff in eng so you can read.
Я захватил большинство серверов в торибашь(официальных).
Начало акта: 2.43 [11.11.2012]
Конец акта: неизвестно.
Цель: нету. lol
Вы не поняли? Объясняю. Вы не сможете заходить на офф сервера и не только до тех пор, пока я не вырублю свой аппарат.
Так же я могу сделать так, что бы вы вообще не смогли зайти ни на один сервер, но это позже, для начала так.
Обсуждайте, безвольные овощи.
I have taken over most of tb servers(official ones)
Beginning time and date:2:43[11.11.2012]
End: unknown
Purpose: none lol
U didn't understand? I'll explain. You won't be able to enter official tb servers until I turn off my hacking thing.
Also I can make one thing so you won't be able to enter any server, but this'll be later, it's just for the beginning.
Discuss it, bitches.
DRAMER in rus forum, watom in official tb community.
Ban watom that's all we need.
Nothing here, move along.
nblx, пора уже смириться с фактом, что все делается через ж.
кому ты этот тред адресовывал? саппорту фиолетово на твои траблы.

играй в тетрис - береги нервы.

in a free translation: lets make new tutorial "how to play if your ip is blocked". I dont see any other ways to help us.
Last edited by Nirs; Nov 19, 2012 at 11:11 AM.
I can't understand why parts of Russia are banned if Dramer is from Ukraine ??

I think ukraninian parts should be banned nor russian because this are different teritories