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[TeX] C/P robotic head
Here is the head:



I just wanted to point how easy is to c/p robotic style. This was made in about 15 min. A half hour more and could have made a set. Anyway i think it's a good head
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I don't like c/p textures, because it is easy to make them.
Anyways, forehead is not nice in this head. Maybe try to fix that? : ) All other things are cool, but... what about back? C'mon, show it.
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I'm not a whole fan of all c/p textures. I like some, they look nice, but this... This is kind of bland :/ I am sorry. Maybe spice it up a bit.
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R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
I'm with beta, looks good, but to me need better details or something else like killzone 3 the head from killzone 3 soldier looks nice you should try, its almost same as your head.
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I think it's very good for a 15 min collage.
Btw why is c/p so discredited. As you can see here i used only small parts of the image to make the bigger picture. I could have put more effort and use parts of multiple images...but to much hassle for that. I can't sel this because it's C/P.
I thing i'm gonna upload the flat and make it free texture. I have 2 more like this. Maybe i'll make more because it's very easy and yet so cool.
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Originally Posted by Alexsin View Post
I think it's very good for a 15 min collage.
Btw why is c/p so discredited. As you can see here i used only small parts of the image to make the bigger picture. I could have put more effort and use parts of multiple images...but to much hassle for that. I can't sel this because it's C/P.
I thing i'm gonna upload the flat and make it free texture. I have 2 more like this. Maybe i'll make more because it's very easy and yet so cool.

You are wrong. You can sell it. Just give source to the real creator.

And I seriously don't like how people think that c/p heads are easy. Sure, you can just mirror a picture to create a texture, but there will be seams and it probably won't look good. C/p is basically photoediting. Taking pieces from a complete photo to create something else. There is nothing wrong with it as long as credit is given to the real creator. Oh, and mapping is a serious bitch with c/p textures.

As for your head. that triangular shape above the eyes really needs to be fixed. Fixed as in removed or mapping it better. Really good work.
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Finally somebody with a good oppininon about cp... or colage or photo manipulation and editing.
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Putting the fact it's c/p aside I feel that the head could be improved a bit I really dislike the two eyes thing, I feel it could look much better if one eye was used much like the picture shows and work on some detail on the other side of the face from there.
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